Full-length practice tests

Foundations of Reading

Foundations of Reading (190) for Alabama

  • Pass on the first try. Guaranteed.
  • Hundreds of incredible realistic Foundations of Reading test questions.
  • Never take the same full-length practice test twice.
  • Practice with full-length tests as many times as you wish.
  • Prep test approximates the environment of the real Foundations of Reading exam.
  • Practice with similar interface, navigation, time and prompt settings, same question format, question types and content.
  • In Study Mode you obtain immediate question-by-question feedback by checking your answers as you go.
  • Flashcards drill your knowledge of key educational concepts and theories relevant to your exam content.
  • More for your money. You only pay once - no monthly charges to your credit card. Up to 3 years access.
  • Unmatched expertise. Get comfortable with the test before taking the real thing.
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Yep, it's that simple. Do the work and pass. Certify Teacher is committed to your success.


  • Get a 90% or higher score in 3 practice exams within 2 weeks of the official test date.
  • Complete all the assigned quizzes recommended by the Study Plan Tracker.
  • The Study Plan Tracker must be turned on throughout your studying preparation.

(You must be a first-time taker of the real exam; offer excludes monthly subscriptions.)

Foundations of Reading (190) Test

Everything You Need to Know

The Foundations of Reading (190) test is intended to assess The Foundations of Reading assessment focuses on development, instruction, and assessment of reading. It covers the essential components of reading development and best practices in reading instruction and assessment as identified by reading research. It assesses teacher candidates' abilities to make evidence-based instructional decisions by applying knowledge of reading development, instruction, and assessment. The assessment seeks to collect evidence of teacher candidates' abilities to demonstrate knowledge of assessment, differentiation, and intervention with respect to each component of reading to address all students' needs for reading instruction, and addresses the full range of knowledge to teach reading, including:

  • Oral language and writing strategies that support reading
  • Academic language development
  • Analysis of complex literary and informational texts; and
  • The five essential components of reading development (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension) identified by the National Reading Panel.

The content covered by this exam is organized into areas called content subareas. This exam has 4 subareas. Here's the list of these subareas:

  1. Foundations of Reading Development
  2. Development of Reading Comprehension
  3. Reading Assessment and Instruction
  4. Integration of Knowledge and Understanding

Content Subareas:

1. Foundations of Reading Development

Approximate Number of Questions:


Approximate Percentage of Examination:


Content Subareas:

2. Development of Reading Comprehension

Approximate Number of Questions:


Approximate Percentage of Examination:


Content Subareas:

3. Reading Assessment and Instruction

Approximate Number of Questions:


Approximate Percentage of Examination:


Content Subareas:

4. Integration of Knowledge and Understanding

Approximate Number of Questions:


Approximate Percentage of Examination:


Multiple-choice items

The multiple choice questions in the exam measure content in the subareas: Foundations of Reading Development, Development of Reading Comprehension, and Reading Assessment and Instruction. Some questions are based on interpreting material such as literary or informational texts, maps, charts, graphs, tables, and/or diagrams. In all there are 100 multiple-choice questions in the exam.

No worries. Multiple-choice questions in the Certify Teacher test prep are crafted in a way that they assess skill and knowledge in the Foundations of Reading based on Bloom's Taxonomy levels of comprehension, application, and analysis to be sure you know the material well. Multiple-choice questions in the test prep that are accompanied by reading passage, map, chart, graph, table, or diagram may ask you to apply principles and concepts or require interpretation of meaning thus mimicking the types of questions you will see in the real exam. The explanatory commentaries in the test prep, on the other hand, address every answer choice - not only the correct choice - to be sure there will be no room for confusion, misconception or misunderstanding to co-exist with correct knowledge. We've got you covered.

Open-response items

This section of the test consists of two open-response item assignments and is intended to assess subject knowledge in the Integration of Knowledge and Understanding subarea. You will be asked to prepare a written response of approximately 150-300 words for each assignment. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your response for each assignment.

As a whole, your response to each assignment must demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge of the field. In your response to each assignment, you are expected to demonstrate the depth of your understanding of the subject area by applying your knowledge rather than by merely reciting factual information. Your response to each assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

  • Purpose: the extent to which the response achieves the purpose of the assignment
  • Subject Knowledge: appropriateness and accuracy in the application of subject knowledge
  • Support: quality and relevance of supporting evidence
  • Rationale: soundness of argument and degree of understanding of the subject area

Your responses must be communicated clearly enough to permit valid judgment of the evaluation criteria by scorers. Your responses should be written for an audience of educators in this field. The final version of each response should conform to the conventions of edited American English. Your responses should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Be sure to write about the assigned topics and remember to review your work and make any changes you think will improve your responses.

No worries. We've got several open-response items in the test prep that mimic the type of questions and scenarios you will most likely encounter in the real exam, each listing sample responses fully written and scored from 4 (strong response) to 1 (very weak response) that show you how you should write your responses to both assignments based on the criteria that you will be evaluated in the real exam:


Subject knowledge



With Certify Teacher test prep you have opportunities for lots of practice with:

  • organizing your thoughts quickly,
  • addressing each prompt,
  • supporting your statements with descriptive details
  • including the use of data provided in the prompt

With many opportunities to practice in the Certify Teacher prep, you will write with confidence to the highest rubric score in this section of the real exam. We've got you covered.

Written responses scored by your school faculty

That's correct. With Certify Teacher scoring tool, faculty in your educator preparation program can remotely access your responses to the constructed-response questions, in your practice test, and use their judgement, critical examination and expertise to score your responses in real time and leave you feedback on the work you presented. This scoring tool is provided to educator preparation programs free-of-charge.

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How can my school start using this scoring tool?

The dean, the chair, program director, the director of teacher certification, field placement coordinator, teacher education faculty or any other administrator in this area in your educator preparation program, with proper authorization, can contact us and request that an account be created to the scoring tool for their program. It is that simple and quick. There is no contract or obligation. This tool is provided free-of-charge to educator preparation programs. This tool is intuitive and easy to use.

Please write sales@certifyteacher.comor

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How do I prepare for the Foundations of Reading?

You should not attempt the Foundations of Reading test until you're scoring 90% or higher in at least 3 Certify Teacher full-length practice exams within 2 weeks of the official test date. Turn the Study Plan Tracker feature in your Certify Teacher test prep on and follow the recommendations of this Study Plan to complete assignments that target content identified that you need improvement.

In addition, read the explanatory commentaries for all answer choices, including the rationales that explain the incorrect answers because these commentaries may explain a skill or clarify knowledge that will answer a question in the real exam. Take advantage of all the resources available to you in the Certify Teacher test prep to take the real Foundations of Reading test with confidence and pass it

How is the test scored?

Your total test score is based on your performance on the entire test: the number of multiple-choice questions (100 items) answered correctly combined with your scores on open- response questions (2 items). The total score is reported on a scale from 100 to 300. Performance on the multiple-choice section is based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers. Each multiple-choice question counts the same toward the total test score. Open-response items are scored by education professionals using a score scale and a set of performance characteristics.

Your test score

Because the passing score varies from state to state, if your score on the test meets your state's passing score requirement, your numeric score will not be reported, instead you will receive a status of "Met the Requirement". This status means you have passed the exam.


Test Dates

By appointment year-round, Monday through Saturday (excluding some holidays). Check appointment availability.

Test Centers

Located in your state and nationwide.Find the nearest test center here

The smartest way to practice is with us.

Is the Foundations of Reading test hard?

Educational background, familiarity with the material, test-taking skills, and overall preparation are some of the many factors to consider in predicting how hard the Foundations of Reading test is for any specific person.

Although some test-takers may breeze through this exam, many will find it challenging. The most recent data available for the Foundations of Reading test, an exam currently required in 13 states, indicates that only 61.5% of all test takers will pass the first time they take the exam.

What if I don't pass my test?

You may retake a test or subtest. If you wish to retake a test, you must complete the registration process again. However, you must wait 30 days before retaking a test. Before applying for a retake be sure you are in compliance with the rules and regulations of your education agency.

Before retaking the Foundations of Reading exam, identify what went wrong in the original take. Did you run out of time to revise? Did stress get the best of you in the exam room? Examine your score report and identify the subareas you scored low.

Certify Teacher test prep approximates the environment of the real Foundations of Reading test with similar interface, navigation, timing allotted and prompt settings, question formats, question types and content. The full-length practice tests in the prep test mimic the real Foundations of Reading exam and will help you with your retake. You get a comprehensive performance analysis after every full-length exam you take. It creates a Study Plan for you and provides you with a solution to master content on which you need improvement.

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Pass the real test. Guaranteed, or your money back.
We stand behind the quality of our interactive practice tests as well as your results on exam day with Certify Teacher Money Back Guarantee. Do the basic work recommended by Certify Teacher and, in return, we will guarantee that you'll pass the real certification exam, or your money back.

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  • Several full-length official practice tests per exam title.
  • Explanatory commentaries for every answer choice - correct and incorrect answers.
  • Every content category extensively covered with items that assess the skills and knowledge listed in the exam manual.
  • All question types covered: multiple choice with simulus material (reading passage, map, chart, graph, table, or diagram) like in the real exam. And open-response questions with the option to have your responses scored by your program faculty via remote access and in real time.
  • Prep with the same test interface and question types of the real test. With Certify Teacher you know you're studying for real thing.

More flexibility without committing to a full course?

Want more flexibility in your exam preparation without committing to a full course? Our practice tools are just the thing. Explore our:

  • Qbank of incredibly realistic test items
  • Sets of full-length practice tests
  • Study Plan Tracker
  • Study Mode
  • Flashcards
  • Explanatory Commentaries

All this backed by our Money Back Guarantee. Pass the real test. Guaranteed, or your money back.

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  • You get a comprehensive performance analysis after every full-length exam you take.
  • In response to your performance analysis you get a customized study plan.
  • The Study Plan list assignments in the platform you area to engage in to help you master content you were found deficient in the analysis.
  • Certify Teacher provides more than just official practice tests.
  • Certify Teacher provices also a solution for you to master specific content on which you need improvement.
  • You'll know just what to study to pass your test.
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  • Test items area written by subject area specialists and address every domain and competency listed in the body of knowledge of the test, targeting every skill and knowledge.
  • Certify Teacher customized Qbank is packed with thousands of incredibly realistic test questions. Candidates never take the same full-length practice exam twice, and they practice using the same interface and question types they will encounter on the real exam.
  • The Study Plan Tracker makes sure candidates address deficiencies found in their last test score report before they're allowed to take the next full-length practice exam.
  • Study Mode allows candidates to build quizzes that target only the competencies they were found deficient on their last test. The set of questions in Study Mode is diferrent from those that list in the full-length practice tests.
  • Flashcards help candidates drill their knowledge of key education terms. concepts and research and/or theories relavant to the content of their exams.